Fields of interest:
Public Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Judicial Behavior, Law and Politics, The Study of the Legal Profession, Government Lawyers, Privatization.
LL.B. (Honors), Hebrew University, 1985; LL.M, University of California at Berkeley, 1987; Ph.D. Hebrew University, 1993; Post-Doc, Worcesterand Wolfson College, Oxford, 1995. Law Clerk for Chief Justice Meir Shamgar, Israel Supreme Court 1985-1986. Academic Awards include: The Wolfe Foundation (Israel) Prize for Research Student 1990; The Council for Higher Education Grant 1990 and the Birk Prize for Distinguished Research in the Field of Law, 1999. Research Grants include: The Israel Science Foundation Grant, 1997 and the Israel Foundation Trustees Grant, 1997.Research Interest include: Public Law, Judicial Review, Law and Society, Law and Politics, and the Study of Government Lawyers.
Shneior Zalman Heshin Prize for Academic Excellence in Law (2012) Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Research Lab on Institutional Corruption Non Residential Fellowship (2012-13); President, Israeli Association for Law and Society
Faculty of Law, HebrewUniversity: Lecturer in Law 1995; Senior Lecturer 2000; Associate Professor 2004; Full Professor 2008
Visiting Positions:
Visiting Professor, Columbia Law School 2002-2003; Visiting Professor, Fordham Law School,2003-2004; Visiting Professor University of Miami Law School (Fall 2008);
Selected Publications:
Open and Close Judicial Review of Agency Action: The Conflicting US and Israeli Approach, American Journal of Comparative Law (2016, forthcoming) (with Michael Asimow); Lawyering for the Rule of Law: Government Lawyers and the Rise of Judicial Power in Israel (Cambridge Un. Press, 2014): The Boundaries of Social Transformation through Litigation: Women’s and LGBT Rights in Israel, 1970-2010 (Isr. L. Rev. 2014); The Different Effect of Cognitive Bias on Different Decision Types – An Experimental Study on Government Procurement, 45 Mishpatim (HU Law Rev.) (2014) (with Omer Dekel); Solving the Counter-majoritarian Difficulty? 11 I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law (2013 with Or Bassok); Non Delegation and the Revised Principle of Legality, 42 Mishpatim 379-447 (2012); Making Consistency Consistent, 57(4) Administrative Law Review (2005); Legal Defeats - Political Wins: Why Do Elected Representative Go to Court? 38 (1) Comparative Political Studies 75-103 (2005) (with Menachem Hofnung); The Spillover Effect of Bills of Rights: A Comparative Assessment of the Impact of Bills of Rights on Courts in Canada and Israel, American Journal of Comparative Law 293-342 (2005); Campaign Finance Reform and the Social Inequality Paradox, 37 (4) Michigan Journal of Law Reform 955-1015 (2004); Judicial Rhetoric, Government Lawyers and Human Rights: The Case of the Israeli High Court of Justice during the Intifada, 33 (2) Law and Society Review (1999) 319-364; Do the ‘Haves’ Still Come Out Ahead? Resource Inequalities in Ideological Courts: The Case of the Israeli High Court of Justice, 33(4) Law and Society Review (1999) 401-425; Why Administrators Should Be Bound by Their Policies, 17 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (1997) 23-41; Should Prosecutorial Discretion Enjoy Special Treatment in Judicial Review: A Comparative Analysis of the Law in England and in Israel, [1997] Public Law 513-531