סדנת מינרבה בזכויות אדם

רביעי, 1 ינואר, 2025 - 16:30
חוזר כל שבוע כל יום רביעי עד ה' ינו' 30 2025 למעט ד' נוב' 20 2024, ד' דצמ' 04 2024, ד' דצמ' 18 2024, ד' דצמ' 25 2024, ד' ינו' 08 2025


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Faculty of Law

Minerva Center for Human Rights Workshop, 2024-25

Barak Medina


The workshop meets approximately seven times each semester, on Wednesday, from 16:30 to 18:00 (First Semester), in room 447 (Cheshin Buliding) and on Monday, from 14:00 to 15:30 (Second Semester). The discussions will be held in English.

Schedule (First Semester)



Date (4:30-6)




Nov. 6

               Introduction [no paper]


Nov. 13

Barak Medina, HUJI

On Constitutional Identity, Democratic Legitimacy and Judicial Review in Times of Democratic Backsliding: The Case of Israel


Nov. 27

Michael Karayanni, HUJI

A “Third Camp” in Israel’s Constitutional Upheaval: The Voice of the Silent Palestinian-Arab Minority


Dec. 11

Tomer Broude, HUJI

The Discursive Evolution of Human Rights Law: Empirical Insights


Jan. 1

Gila Stopler, Law & Business Academic Center

The Feminist Critique of Liberalism and the Challenge of Right-Wing Populism: From Religious Exemptions to Religious Control


Jan. 15

Raphael Cohen-Almagor, U. of Hull

Male Circumcision in the Name of Tradition and Good Health


Jan. 22

Anne Rethmann, FU

In the Struggle of World Politics: The World Jewish Congress and the UN Declaration of Human Rights


Jan. 29

Chagai Schlesinger, HUJI

The Disestablishing Counter-Narrative of Church Autonomy