גדעון ליבזון השלים את לימודיו לתואר ראשון ושני בפקולטה למשפטים באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, ובשנת 1980 השלים בה גם את לימודיו לתואר שלישי בהצטיינות יתרה. בשנת 1983 הצטרף ליבזון לסגל הפקולטה ועמד בראש הקתדרה ע"ש פרידה ושלמה ב. רוזנצוויג. במרוצת השנים הוא שימש בתפקידים אקדמיים רבים, ובהם מנהל המכון לחקר המשפט העברי בפקולטה.
תחומי המחקר של ליבזון הם משפט עברי ומשפט מוסלמי בפרספקטיבה השוואתית. כתיבתו הענפה זיכתה אותו בפרסים רבים, ובהם פרס הרצוג למשפט העברי, פרס ורבורג, מלגת ליידי דייויס ופרס גויטיין לחקר הגניזה.
Gideon Libson is Professor Emeritus of Jewish and Islamic Law and Comparative Jewish and Islamic Law in the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and was the holder of the Frieda and Solomon B. Rosenzweig Chair in Law. He earned his LL.M. and Doctor of Law degrees (both summa cum laude) at the Hebrew University and has been connected with the Faculty of Law since 1974. As a post-doctorate Fellow, he continued his research in comparative Jewish-Islamic Law at Princeton University where he spent three years developing the methodological guidelines for recognizing mutual influences between Jewish and Islamic law in the MiddleAgesagainst the background of social interchanges between Jews and Muslims.
He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Annenberg Research Institute Center for Judaic Studies, UniversityofPennsylvania and has held the Gruss Chair in Talmudic Civil Law at the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as visiting professor at Tulane University, University of Miami, Harvard University and in the summer program for graduate students at the Central European University in Budapest.
He was the recipient of the Herzog Prize in Jewish Law, the Warburg Prize, Lady Davis Fellowship and the Goitein Prize in Geniza Research. He served as the head of the H.U. Institute of Jewish Law as well as the editor of its Annual of Jewish Law. He has served as well as a member of the academic committee of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University and he served as a member of the academic committee of the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies.
He has written extensively on Jewish Law, Islamic Law and Comparative Jewish-Islamic Law. His book on Jewish and Islamic Law - A Comparative Study of Custom During the Geonic Period was published by Harvard University Press 2003.
Libson is currently working on his second book on Philosophy, Poetry and Halacha Through the Eyes of Maimonides.