Crime Group

The Crime Group is composed of scholars drawn from diverse disciplines within law and social science who have a strong interest in research and policy in the area of criminal justice. The group was established to encourage serious discussion of complex problems in Israel, and as a vehicle for developing critical and innovative academic and policy analysis of core problems in Israel and in this area more generally. The group allows for a unique examination of problems that span law and social science because its members share expertise in legal theory, criminal law, research methods and criminology. The group also encourages the involvement of practitioners who have strong academic ties but work in legal and criminal justice practice. Working papers written by members of the group are published and distributed.

The group has regular meetings in which papers are presented and discussed. In the past, the group’s meetings were devoted to issues such as white collar crime, speech-related offences, "sentencing lotteries", the art of the interview in criminology, sentencing guidelines and other subjects. The group also welcomes foreign criminal law and criminology scholars to take part in its activities. This past year, meetings were held with Dennis Curtis, Stuart Green, Douglas Husak, David Miers, Daniel Nagin, and Paul Robinson. 

The group also encourages and supports research on core questions in law and social science, especially as they are applied to the Israeli scene. Last year, the group studied in detail the subject of sentencing guidelines. A position paper was written focusing on the implications of the group's research for public policy in this area. The paper examines critically the legislative proposal submitted by the Israeli Minister of Justice which introduces significant reforms in structuring the exercise of judicial discretion in sentencing. This year the group’s discussions will revolve around the theme of cross-national crimes and the relationship between domestic and international criminal law, with particular focus on victims. 

Activities of the group have been generously supported by the British Friends of the Hebrew University Law School through a fund established in honor of Lord Taylor.  


Members of the Group: 


Name e-mail Phone Number
Prof. Mimi Ajzenstadt  5882517
Adv. Nava Ben Or 5881989
Prof. Miri Gur Arye 5882551
Prof. Alon Harel 5882582
Dr. Anat Horovitz  
Dr. Rinat Kitai-Sangero  
Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer  
Dr. Itzhak Kugler  5882563
Prof. Simha Landau 5882515
Dr. Hagit Lernau  5881516
Dr. Avraham Levi  5815284
Dr. Daniel Ohana  
Dr. Boaz Sangero  
Prof. Leslie Sebba 5882571
Dr. Re’em Segev 5882575
Dr. Nadira Shalhuv Kiborkian  5882505
Prof. Yoram Shahar  
Dr. Orit Shalev 5881896
Dr. Odeda Steinberg 5882514
Dr. Doron Teichman  
Prof. David Weisburd  5882507